BRCA Awareness – We have work to do!

I was recently contacted to become involved in events surrounding Pink October, which tells us fall is approaching. When it comes to helping educate and empower others about their’s and their family’s health-  I am on board and ready to do so!

It is awareness time: Childhood Cancer in September, Breast Cancer in October and Men’s Health/Cancers in Mo-vember.

So this has me thinking about BRCA awareness- or lack thereof.  BRCA is a piggy backer- mostly during Pink October. I love Pink October’s power-  it is absolutely the best platform for bringing awareness to the community about breast cancer and it has been saving lives for years.

But we know that BRCA mutations are also about an increased risk of ovarian cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer in men. These are familial cancers affecting multiple generations. With that said, we have work to do and lives to save.

BRCA does not have it’s own space.  It is not widely known or understood and it is feared. The significance of this science and communicating it and all the options surrounding it to an audience that embraces it without fear is the goal.

With information and healthy vigilant lifestyle practices I believe genetic cancers will find it more difficult to attack families that have been dealing with this for too many generations already.

And who could argue anytime we can keep cancer from affecting the people we love?

KnowYourTree and stay well!

(Shout out to Liz and Angela who this month start their personal breast cancer A$$ Kicking journeys! You’ve got this! xo)



What is KnowYourTree?


Welcome to KnowYour Tree…. our goal through conversation and information is to provide a calm outlook on your health and your life with regard to BRCA gene mutations, high risk assessment, early detection and prevention of cancer.

Calm and cancer seem highly paradoxical. But when cancer and calm come together, we are saving lives- yours, your family and friends. When we stand up to the information that is available today and embrace the gift of early detection, prevention and high risk assessment we are saving lives together.

Welcome to KnowYour Tree….. now let’s start talking and start saving lives!